Esther Bible Study


Many of us may think we know the book of Esther. Maybe we heard the story in Sunday School or saw the VeggieTales movie, or have heard other messages that held Esther up as a model of grace, humility, courage, and virtue.

With all due respect for those presentations, when we look into the text, what we find out about Esther may actually really surprise us.

And we may find ourselves surprised not only by who Esther turns out to be, but also by who the true main character of the book is. Though they certainly have important roles to play, the most prominent protagonist and mover of events in the story is not Esther or her cousin Mordecai or even the king; strangely, the One who it is isn't mentioned by name even once. Still, the standout theme and hero of the book is a God who works behind the scenes, silently but with extreme intention, in the everyday "coincidences" and events that we would never consider might have His hand behind them. Isn't that just the truth and encouragement many of us need today?

Esther shows us we have a God who is able to work even in the impulsivity and foolishness of leaders who don't acknowledge Him.

Esther shows us we have a God who never forgets or abandons His children, no matter how discouraging or confusing the circumstances they find themselves in.

Esther shows us we have a God who can invite anyone to come alongside Him, transforming them into something incredible, glorious, courageous, and new as He brings about His salvation and Kingdom - even the unfaithful, those who lack courage, and those who don't feel like they've lived lives that would make them a candidate for Him.

We invite you to dig into this two-week study of Esther with us, with the entire biblical text shared in multiple translations, along with devotionals, commentary, and more. Through this study, we pray you’ll come heart-to-heart with a God who is as active in our world today as He was back then, and who loves and cares for His children in the same way too.

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Many of us may think we know the book of Esther. Maybe we heard the story in Sunday School or saw the VeggieTales movie, or have heard other messages that held Esther up as a model of grace, humility, courage, and virtue.

With all due respect for those presentations, when we look into the text, what we find out about Esther may actually really surprise us.

And we may find ourselves surprised not only by who Esther turns out to be, but also by who the true main character of the book is. Though they certainly have important roles to play, the most prominent protagonist and mover of events in the story is not Esther or her cousin Mordecai or even the king; strangely, the One who it is isn't mentioned by name even once. Still, the standout theme and hero of the book is a God who works behind the scenes, silently but with extreme intention, in the everyday "coincidences" and events that we would never consider might have His hand behind them. Isn't that just the truth and encouragement many of us need today?

Esther shows us we have a God who is able to work even in the impulsivity and foolishness of leaders who don't acknowledge Him.

Esther shows us we have a God who never forgets or abandons His children, no matter how discouraging or confusing the circumstances they find themselves in.

Esther shows us we have a God who can invite anyone to come alongside Him, transforming them into something incredible, glorious, courageous, and new as He brings about His salvation and Kingdom - even the unfaithful, those who lack courage, and those who don't feel like they've lived lives that would make them a candidate for Him.

We invite you to dig into this two-week study of Esther with us, with the entire biblical text shared in multiple translations, along with devotionals, commentary, and more. Through this study, we pray you’ll come heart-to-heart with a God who is as active in our world today as He was back then, and who loves and cares for His children in the same way too.

Many of us may think we know the book of Esther. Maybe we heard the story in Sunday School or saw the VeggieTales movie, or have heard other messages that held Esther up as a model of grace, humility, courage, and virtue.

With all due respect for those presentations, when we look into the text, what we find out about Esther may actually really surprise us.

And we may find ourselves surprised not only by who Esther turns out to be, but also by who the true main character of the book is. Though they certainly have important roles to play, the most prominent protagonist and mover of events in the story is not Esther or her cousin Mordecai or even the king; strangely, the One who it is isn't mentioned by name even once. Still, the standout theme and hero of the book is a God who works behind the scenes, silently but with extreme intention, in the everyday "coincidences" and events that we would never consider might have His hand behind them. Isn't that just the truth and encouragement many of us need today?

Esther shows us we have a God who is able to work even in the impulsivity and foolishness of leaders who don't acknowledge Him.

Esther shows us we have a God who never forgets or abandons His children, no matter how discouraging or confusing the circumstances they find themselves in.

Esther shows us we have a God who can invite anyone to come alongside Him, transforming them into something incredible, glorious, courageous, and new as He brings about His salvation and Kingdom - even the unfaithful, those who lack courage, and those who don't feel like they've lived lives that would make them a candidate for Him.

We invite you to dig into this two-week study of Esther with us, with the entire biblical text shared in multiple translations, along with devotionals, commentary, and more. Through this study, we pray you’ll come heart-to-heart with a God who is as active in our world today as He was back then, and who loves and cares for His children in the same way too.

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