with Christ Recommended Resources


Deeper | Dane Ortlund
Kennedy’s Parable | Amazon | Indigo

Gentle and Lowly | Dane Ortlund
Kennedy’s Parable | Amazon | Indigo

Crazy Love | Francis Chan
Kennedy’s Parable | Amazon | Indigo

Knowing God | J.I. Packer
Kennedy’s Parable | Amazon | Indigo

Adore | Sara Hagerty
Kennedy’s Parable | Amazon | Indigo

Intimacy with Christ | Jeanne Guyon
Amazon | Indigo

Intimacy with the Almighty | Charles Swindoll
Kennedy’s Parable | Amazon | Indigo

The Pursuit of God | A.W. Tozer
Kennedy’s Parable | Amazon | Indigo

Liturgy of the Ordinary: Sacred Practices in Everyday Life | Tish Harrison Warren
Kennedy’s Parable | Amazon | Indigo

You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit | James K.A. Smith
Kennedy’s Parable | Amazon | Indigo

In the Lord I Take Refuge: 150 Devotionals through the Psalms | Dane Ortlund
Kennedy’s Parable | Amazon | Indigo

It’s All About Jesus | Randy Alcorn
Kennedy’s Parable | Amazon | Indigo

The Transforming Power of the Gospel | Jerry Bridges
Kennedy’s Parable | Amazon | Indigo

The Hiding Place | Corrie Ten Boom
Kennedy’s Parable | Amazon | Indigo

A Burning in My Bones: The Authorized Biography of Eugene Peterson, Translator of The Message | Winn Collier
Kennedy’s Parable | Amazon | Indigo

Through Gates of Splendor | Elisabeth Elliot
Kennedy's Parable | Amazon | Indigo

Evidence Not Seen: A Woman’s Miraculous Faith in the Jungles of World War II | Darlene Deibler Rose
Kennedy’s Parable | Amazon | Indigo

Blogs & Articles

The Aesthetic Beauty of the Gospel | Mark Mattes

Ann Voskamp’s Blog

Grace | The Easy Yoke

Podcasts, Sermons, & Videos

Fight Hustle, End Hurry

Daily Grace

Gospel in Life | Tim Keller

The Christine Caine Equip & Empower Podcast

Jesus Calling

Crazy Love Podcast | Francis Chan