The (New!) Rooted Pods

Rooted has existed in various forms since we first launched it in 2020, but this new direction might be the one we’re most excited for yet.

This year, instead of matching mentors and mentees one-on-one, we will have a pre-selected group of mentors who will be leading on a variety of topics. As in the past, they will meet with mentees once a month for eight months, but this time they will be with a group of three to eight mentees, rather than just one. This means that each month you’ll get to connect as a small group of women, all working through the same topic at various stages, able to learn from and encourage one another as you journey along together.

If you’re interested in being a mentee, you will (soon) be able to look through the mentors, the topics they are leading on, the days/times they are hosting, and will be able to sign up with the option that best aligns with you and where you’re at. We’ll have in-person and online options available across Canada, meaning that wherever you’re at, and whatever times you’re available, there should still be an option that works for you.

If you have more questions, please email or, and we’ll do our best to help you out!

Check out the mentor bios and topics below!
Registration opens August 15, 2024

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all our Rooted Mentors

Mentor Bios

Esther MacPherson

Mentoring on grief

Over the past several years, my life has been touched by significant loss. One aspect of my healing journey comes through verbally processing my thoughts, feelings and emotions. 

In the same way, it is my desire to engage with others who similarly find verbal expression of their grief to be beneficial. 

Together in God’s tender love and care, grief shared can be a step toward experiencing healing. 

Esther’s group will be hosted in-person in Saskatoon on the third Thursday of the month at 1:00pm.

Rayel Bausenhaus

Mentoring on parenting young children

Rayel is a wife, mom to two, author, former varsity volleyball player, and current HR and strategy consultant. While the hats she wears are many, her favourite is being a mom to her six and three year old – planning activities and sensory bins, coaching them in sports, and spending intentional time with them as they grow up.

In no way does she profess to be an expert at parenting young children. Rather, Rayel wants her Rooted Pod to be a place for learning from one another and standing beside each other as we parent in this challenging season. Expect great conversation, collaborative activities to get our thoughts out, and a place where you can come just as you are. A place where you are seen and known. She can’t wait to welcome you!

Rayel’s pod will be hosted the first Thursday of the month, from 6:45-8:00PM CST, online and in-person in Langley, BC. It’s open to women across Canada.

Charlene Quiring

Co-mentoring with Rhonda Olson on marriage

Char Quiring is a mom of 3 adult married children, and a grandma to (almost) 4. Char and her husband Reg have been married 39 years and have navigated a very busy family life, moves, renovations , a growing family business, and serious illness, just to name a few of their experiences.

Char is excited to share things that she has learned as she has walked through  the joys and sorrows that come with marriage and family.  She is passionate about her faith, and passionate about seeing others grow in faith. 

Char serves as Executive Director of Sisterhood and feels energized when women of all ages and all backgrounds can learn and grow together.

Char’s group will be hosted in-person with Rhonda Olson in Saskatoon on the second Thursday evening of every month.

Rhonda Olson

Co-mentoring on marriage with Char Quiring

I celebrated 35 years of marriage this year with my husband, Shane, am the momma of 4 grown children and 3 amazing in-laws, and I’m eagerly awaiting our first grandchild due in the middle of August! I love music, piano, concerts, travel, hanging with friends and family at the lake, good conversation and coffee with dear friends.

I am a huge cheerleader of Sisterhood Ministries and how it provides so many opportunities for woman of all ages to journey through life together. I have already been, and continue to be richly blessed through the Rooted one-on-one mentorship program, and I’m so looking forward to this fall’s Rooted Pods where we can talk together, listen, support, encourage one another, and pray together through many different topics.

Betty Mutwiri

Mentoring on emotional resilience

Betty is a mother of three young adults, a wife, and a dedicated disciple of Jesus Christ. Through the tests and trials of life, Betty has strengthened her emotional resilience by learning how to make meaning of her pain and suffering to strengthen as a stepping stone for flourishing in every season of her life. Betty is an executive and leadership coach, consultant, speaker, and co-author of the ROOTED curriculum. She is passionate about helping others discover, develop, and deploy their potential to serve others and glorify God. Betty champions the cultivation of Emotional Intelligence (EI) as a catalyst for personal and professional life. Romans 8:28: "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose."

Betty’s group will be hosted online on one Friday a month at 7pm CST, and is open to women across Canada.

Helen Burns

Mentoring on calling

Helen is passionate about helping people build thriving relationships with God, in their marriages and families, as well as healthy church communities. 

She and her husband, John planted Relate Church in Surrey, BC in 1986, after John left his busy dental practice to become a full-time pastor. 

They have experienced the faithfulness of God in their lives as He restored their hurting marriage. Today they continue to serve and are actively involved as Founding and Teaching Pastors at Relate Church. They also treasure the opportunity to travel  nationally and globally. Together they co-host the television program, 'Sex, Love & Relationships’ and have authored several bestselling books.  

John and Helen have just celebrated 50 years of marriage, have three incredible daughters and take the greatest joy in their eight awesome grandchildren.

Helen’s pod will be hosted online on Tuesday evenings at 7:00CST/6:00 PSTand is open to women across Canada.

Dabria Karapita-Parker

Mentoring on love and intimacy after trauma

Dabria Karapita-Parker is a born and raised Sask girl with a passion for living life with a deep authenticity and holding spaces for raw and supportive conversations.

After coming out of a shattering abusive marriage at 22 years old, she focused on the inner healing journey, starting a podcast and publishing her first book in the process. She is passionate about friendship with Jesus, the power in healthy community, and empowering women to walk out their freedom in the mess & beauty of life.

Dabria’s group will be meeting one Thursday a month at 6:30 in person in Regina.

Julia Penner

Mentoring on a lifestyle of worship

I am a Mom to two amazing girls. My oldest daughter, entering grade 3, inspires me with intellect, athleticism and the musical giftings to pursue and excel in almost anything she’d like. My youngest, who is wheelchair-bound and diagnosed with Atypical Cerebral Palsy, radiates joy and laughter, continually surpassing medical expectations. She is heading into grade 2 with her peers.

In 2019, I lost my dad and in 2020, my first marriage came to an end after many trials.  Becoming a single mom, getting remarried, learning to trust again and continuing to search for medical answers have all deepened my journey of faith and my understanding of worship to our Creator and King, even when things aren’t perfect.

I serve as a worship leader, musician, writer, and speaker. I am passionate about living a life of worship, not just on Sunday mornings when it’s ‘convenient’ but through my words, actions, and relationships every day. I truly believe living a lifestyle of worship is a choice that shapes every aspect of our daily lives, anchoring us in a meaningful relationship with Jesus. In this pod, we’ll talk about choosing Jesus through the ups and downs and what Worship in our day-to-day lives truly looks like.

Julia’s group will be hosted online on the second Tuesday of every month.

Debbie Olson

Mentoring on forgiveness

I am a member at Elim and have been blessed to be involved in the Sisterhood Rooted program since the beginning, most recently mentoring two beautiful young ladies.

This summer, I will be married to my husband for 40 years. We have three grown children and four amazing, fun grandchildren. 

I love to worship God. My favourite song ever is, Goodness of God! He has always been faithful to me

I have also learned in my life that forgiveness matters. To live abundantly we must deal with this aspect in our life! God sent His only Son, Jesus, who died on the cross, so that our sins would be forgiven, so that we might have abundant life! (Paraphrased John 10:28.)

Forgiveness allows us to have the freedom to love ourselves and extend that love to others. Holding back forgiveness leads to feelings of anger and resentment as we build up walls to protect ourselves.

Often it is our own sins that we can’t forgive or forget. To begin forgiveness, we need to rid ourselves of our own shame and guilt. Then we are able to forgive others more easily! When we ask forgiveness from God and others, it allows us to begin the healing process.

I look forward to sharing and mentoring and growing myself on this topic.

Debbie’s pod will be hosted in-person. Time and date yet to be announced.

Heather Tomes

Mentoring on the work and person of Holy Spirit

My name is Heather Tomes. I am passionate about creating spaces for genuine transformation and deep, intimate connection with the abiding presence of God’s Spirit.

Connecting deeply with Holy Spirit became an important focus of my life as young adult, when I heard the Spirit’s invitation to join His mission and become a global worker. Living for Jesus in a war-torn country brought me face-to-face with many challenges where I needed the guidance of God’s Spirit, and His wisdom to navigate the realities of spiritual warfare.

Later, the adventure of following God’s Spirit led me to return to Canada and complete my education and training as a registered psychologist. From there, God opened the door for me to serve as the leader of a Christian counselling ministry. This opportunity caused me to lean on God’s Spirit in a deeper way than I had before, both to lead the ministry with His wisdom, and to facilitate deep and genuine transformation in the lives of others. Now, as a faculty member at Horizon College and Seminary, I am teaching and training the next generation of Christian counsellors.

I’d love to have you join me on this journey to deepen our relationship with God’s Spirit, encountering His Spirit in truly transformative ways!

Heather’s pod will be hosted online the third Thursday of the month at 7pm. It’s open for women across Canada to attend. Sessions will be based off the book “Forgotten God” by Francis Chan.

Courtney Johnson

Mentoring on singleness

Confession: due to very unexpected circumstances, as of one year ago, Courtney is actually no longer a single woman. But for over three decades before that, she was, and she still feels incredibly passionate about the topic and about the fact that singleness absolutely does not have to be sad or lonely or even “fixed” for a person to live a complete and beautiful and fulfilled life.

Courtney is all too familiar with the pressures and lies that our culture and even (sadly) our churches can explicitly and implicitly communicate to us about our value as single women and the limitations of a single life. But she’s learned from personal experience that, when we find a way to see beyond the singleness myths, there’s actually incredible joy, richness, fulfillment, companionship, love, and intimacy with Christ to be found in this time - yes, even without a husband and kids and the whole white picket fence situation. She’s passionate about more single women knowing and experiencing this truth, and hopes that this group will make their way in that direction.

Let’s be real, there are parts of singleness that are hard, and we want to have space in this group to share those things together too. However, we also want to break down any beliefs we may have that are making our walks harder than they have to be, and step into the richness God has for right here, right now in the singleness that He is entrusting us with at this very moment.

Courtney’s pod will be hosted in-person in Saskatoon on the first Thursday of every month at 7pm.

Jessica Trachsel

Mentoring on shame

I'm a pastor's daughter, pastor's wife, and pastor-in-training, so it's not much of a surprise that I'm really passionate about health ministry, mental health, and gathering women together. I live in Saskatoon with my husband Ben, and it's always a good morning when it starts with a latte and some sunshine.

I decided to focus on the topic of shame because so many of us carry shame with us for years until we allow God to rewrite our understanding of Him and of ourselves. His plan for us is not to live life ashamed and afraid and feeling rejected, but to live loudly in His love for us, and I'm looking forward to the ways we will unwrap those truths together.

Jessica’s pod will be hosted in-person in Saskatoon on the second Tuesday of every month. She’s flexible on time, so the group can decide together what works best.

Lindi Davidson

Mentoring on growing in faith

My name is Lindi Davidson and I’m a spiritual director and church planter in Warman, SK.  Over the years I have had the blessing of walking with many different women, some for brief seasons, others for years. Walking with others - shepherding women’s hearts has become a precious gift to me. This pod is for women who are passionate about walking with others, abiding in Christ and discerning the voice of God in our lives and in the lives of those we walk with. 

Topics we’ll explore: listening and discerning God’s voice, repentance, spiritual authority, anger and love, and always, the life of Jesus.

Lindi’s pod will be held in-person in Warman twice a month, on the first and third Tuesday evening of every month.

Lindsay Funk

Mentoring on identity

I am the wife of a farmer and mother of three beautiful and fun-loving children, living on a farm south of Swift Current, SK. In addition to raising my wildlings, I also work casually as an RN on the Mental Health Ward in Swift Current, and in the summers I run a seasonal flower farm with my sister-in-law.

We live in a culture that praises being our authentic selves, but what does “identity” mean from a Biblical standpoint? In my own life, my roles and circumstances have shifted over the years, so I would love to journey with other women to dive deeper into what the Bible says about true identity and how we can get back to who God intended us to be. 

Lindsay’s pod will be hosted at her home, 20 min south of Swift Current in Wymark, Saskatchewan, on the first Tuesday of every month.

Jodi Bryant

Mentoring on navigating past emotional trauma

Jodi’s life story is one of breaking free and healing from a myriad of past emotional wounds caused by adverse childhood experiences, fear, trauma, rejection, neglect, shame, and anxiety that affected her wellbeing and crippled her health.

In line with her own healing, Jodi noticed her fervent desire to help others positively transform early in her 20-year professional teaching career. She became an Executive Life Coach to support those in her life needing to get “unstuck”, but found that many needed more in-depth inner healing to be restored and free from all that made them “stuck”. Then, being a pastor’s wife, she noticed how so many forgot the significance of spiritual formation and needed the tools to grow spiritually and acknowledge their unidentified negative patterns and roots, so she studied to become a pastor and felt the call and encouragement of her mentors to be ordained in her denomination. Being a lifelong learner, she completed her Masters of Arts in Counselling Psychology and will be pursuing doctoral studies in her field.

Rev. Jodi Bryant is a gifted, vibrant educator, an inspirational speaker, an ordained minister, and a professional certified counsellor, having held national and provincial board positions for the Professional Association of Christian Counsellors and Psychotherapists. She is an Executive Life and Spiritual Life Coach and the Executive Director of LifeChange Coaching, Counselling, & Consulting Resources.

Jodi has been married to her husband, Darryl since 1990 and they have raised three “men-in-training”. They operate and live in a Mental Health Approved Home.

Above all, Jodi is a child of the Most High God where her true identity empowers her to become all God has called and purposed her to become. It’s through “being in Christ” that has allowed Jodi to “do in Christ”.

Jodi’s pod will meet online the first Tuesday afternoon of each month.

Josephine Rwankuba

Mentoring on spiritual warfare

I am a strong believer in Jesus Christ. I am a mother and grandmother. I am currently working as a pastoral counsellor in Saskatoon.

Ephesians 6: 11-12 recommends that we put on the full armour of God to engage in the battle. We cannot wait until we are attacked to be prepared; therefore, our fight is real, and we should fight back by the power of the Holy Spirit. We fight against spiritual forces, which require us to fight in the spirit and not against our brothers and sisters. I know that our Lord Jesus has won the victory; therefore, we fight with a winning mindset.

Josephine’s pod will be hosted on the last Friday of the month at 7pm on Zoom, and is open to women across Canada.

Laurel Schultz

Mentoring on prayer

Psalm 27:8 says, “My heart has heard you say come and talk with me, and my heart responds ‘Lord I am coming’”.

This is so beautiful to me. I love our Father’s heart for us to have a relationship with Him, and Him sharing His love and wisdom with me. To know Him is where my peace and joy can grow. In His presence is where my heart feels safe. To have this opportunity to know my Heavenly Father and to learn the authority He has given me as His child. To understand His Word, the power of declaring it and the power in the name of Jesus. Psalm 119:105 “Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light into my path”. All I can say is something just gets excited and rises up inside of me when I think of prayer. It brings me such joy and I want to be able to share this with others. Our conversations with God and His Word transform us, and that’s exciting. 

Laurel’s pod will be held in-person the first Thursday of the month at 7pm.

Brenda Bornyk

Mentoring on spiritual warfare

I am a retired Special Education Teacher. My husband and I just joined the Grandparents club. We have a sweet grandson one month old. I love Jesus and am longing to see a mighty move of God in our cities, provinces, and Canada coast-to-coast. 

I chose this topic because there is a battle going on. We need to be suited up in the armour of God and know how to fight our battles. 

Ephesians 6:12-13 NIV says: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”

Brenda’s pod will be hosted on the second Thursday of the month at 7pm on Zoom, and is open to women across Canada.

Ruth Stephenson

Mentoring on Intimacy with Christ

My name is Ruth Stephenson. I am a 50 year old widow of almost 13 years, mother of 3 kids, 3 living grand babies, and 1 more on the way!  I grew up an hour west of Edmonton, youngest of 4, and raised my family in Slave Lake. My upbringing was in an excellent solid Christian home (that I’m ever grateful for!).

I would like to focus on the topic of ‘Intimacy with Christ’, as I strongly believe that, from that position, everything else is worked through (identity, grief, marriage, parenting, etc.).

My sister and I spoke years ago of the scripture that says that older women are to teach the younger, and though I am nothing of myself, I’m excited to see what God can do through me to encourage and maybe teach others.

Ruth’s pod will be on the first Wednesday night of the month online.

Ronke Ayanu

Mentoring on biblical understanding

Ronke is a student of the word of God who loves and marvels at the truth that God reveals in His word. She first started leading small groups about 27 years ago. Ronke is a wife and mother of two children. She is a Professor of Law and loves to walk with other believers to learn the truth of God’s word.

Ronke is looking forward to sharing, learning, and mentoring on the Bible as a precious gift from our loving Father to teach and encourage us. Together Ronke and pod members will embark on a journey of Biblical understanding, relying on the Holy Spirit to give understanding while being guided by the revelation that all scripture is given by inspiration of God (2 Timothy 3:16).

Ronke’s meetings will be held one Thursday a month at 7pm CST. They will take place online and be open to women across Canada.

Jodi Scholer

Mentoring on Experiencing God’s Voice

I was raised in a loving, Christian home where I was told and shown what a relationship with the Lord should look like. It became apparent to me that while I could look like a good Christian and complete the behavioural checklist, my heart felt cold and confused when it came to experiencing the love of the Father. Throughout my childhood and young adult years, I could see how certain people seemed to sincerely love Jesus and their Christian life was empowered by this love. I didn't understand why Jesus chose them to love and connect with them while I had to suffer with deep insecurities, isolating anxiousness, and a wounded heart that seemed to never really heal from accumulated hurts in the past. I resigned myself to sincerely "fake it till I make it" in my Christian journey and hoped the longing for "something more" would go away.

After going through a particularly painful season at the end of my 20s, the Lord used key mentors to teach me how to hear His voice for myself. His Rhema and Logos Word absolutely transformed my spiritual life and my heart began to come alive and heal.

Now in my early 40s, it is my joy to point others to the good Shepherd through my testimony and experience. Together, we will run after Jesus as His transformative power is continually released in our lives through hearing His voice for ourselves.