“What are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you care for them? Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honour.”

PSALM 8:4-5 (NLT)

Let's make it a date.


At first thought this may conjure up images of princesses and an evening of fluffy platitudes, but let's set that aside and instead step towards the story we've been written into. Begin to imagine with us a place where you are an heir to a kingdom that is beyond imagination. Where streets are paved with gold, and the sea is as though crystal, where human cultures and all their diversities work together. And the best part—it's not a fairy tale! 

Today's culture can leave you feeling insignificant and unworthy. God says otherwise!

Join us for an evening of musical performances and keynote speakers, in a setting that is sure to launch us all into the festive season. All this and a bit of shopping too.

Invite your sisters, moms, daughters, co-workers, and friends for a beautiful evening. We look forward to seeing you there as we press into who we are and our privileged position in the Kingdom order. 

  • Heidi is an author, speaker, and stay-at-home mom. While crafting devotionals for hundreds of thousands of followers on social media @heidileeanderson and @thismotherhen, she’s a master at cleaning up Cheerios spills and building LEGO towers while simultaneously chugging coffee like a Gilmore. Heidi has spent her career doing ministry—from teaching hundreds in kids’ ministry to writing daily devotionals, Bible reading plans, and small group curriculum as a content developer for adults. After being diagnosed with cancer, Heidi’s fuel is now to make sure that Christ-followers realize, know, and claim the sure promises God offers—in the mundane, amid the heartache, and on top of the highest mountains.


  • Karen is a Canadian author, most recently of the newly released Holiness Here: Searching for God in the Ordinary Events of Everyday Life. Her work has appeared in Reader's DigestEkstasis, Christianity Today, and many other publications. She is a senior editor of the Canadian magazine Faith Today and hosts the Faith Today Podcast, where she has interviewed Kate Bowler, Philip Yancey, Ann Voskamp, Scott Erickson and many more tellers of important stories.


  • BLSNG is an up and coming artist based out of Calgary, Alberta. She started out singing in the church at the tender age of 10. If there's one thing singer/songwriter BLSNG wants people to feel when they hear her music, it’s hope. Her music is a fusion of multiple genres including but not limited to gospel, folk, pop and soul. Her hit debut single “You’ve got it” as well susbequent releases are available on all streaming platforms. She hopes to release a full length project in the future. BLSNG wants to inspire people and bring joy through her music.